Sunday, October 18, 2009

Does this make him a pot head?

Travis likes to play with the pots and pans. He normally gets the lids out or plays with the smaller pots. One day I watched him wrestle this pot off the shelf and carry it around the corner. Intrigued, I followed, and this is what I found.


Samuel R said...

ha i didn't know kids actually played with pots and pans. cute

Stephanie Pulham said...

It would only make him a pot head if he had it on his head.

Merkleys said...

I can't believe how BIG Travis is already! What are you feeding him?! Maybe he is a closet pot head and got a massive case of the munchies. That's the only way I can figure that boy got so lahhhhge.

Shelley said...

How about a pot butt. Great photo.

Cait said...

Tell little Travis that most people don't cook and eat children like they used to. He's out of luck! :)